Greens Farming Ltd combines large scale arable operations with the rotational gains of specialist vegetable cropping, and high standards of wildlife conservation.
Farms Director: Greg Colebrook
Beetroot is predominantly grown on the rich, black fen soils in Cambridgeshire, and onion cropping is focused on the irrigated light sands and loamy sands in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Storage facilities include 13,500 tonnes of onion storage and 15,000 tonnes of beetroot storage, both as a mix of refrigerated and ambient capability. Other crops include wheat, barley, rye, sugar beet and peas.
Our specialist vegetable cropping is all on irrigated land, delivered mainly from reservoir storage of winter surface water, with support from borehole abstraction. Our compost operation processes 5,000 tonnes of co-operative waste, producing a very high quality compost that is used for soil conditioning by recycling precious phosphate and potash to our soils.
All the farms have strong environmental programmes and are Leaf Marque, Nature’s Choice, Nurture, GRASP, Global Gap, Field to Fork and Assured Produce accredited. Greens are members of the British Onion Producers Association.